Monday, September 28, 2009

Before you decide if you should get a flu vaccine - READ THIS!

I. Vaccines are toxic! They contain substances known to be toxic like mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum. You can check this by looking at the vaccine packaging - it shows what the ingredients are.
II. Immunization depresses and disables brain function. There are studies showing that diseases like AIDS, SIDS, Epstein Barr, Autism. dyslexia, MS etc are linked to being vaccinated.
III. The rate of adverse reactions to vaccines is being ignored and denied by conventional medicine.
Doctors were not required to report adverse reaction before 1990. Adverse reactions are considered "normal", frequently ignored or diagnosed as other diseases.
IV. Mass vaccination programs endanger the public and disregard our rights. Technically, a vaccine is a surgery since it breaks the skin. All surgeries are required by law to have obtained informed consent by the person it's being performed upon. It's wrong to force someone against their will to be vaccinated.
V. There is no proof that vaccines are either safe or effective. No control group studies are done; those done did not eliminate examiners bias since they are done by the company manufacturing the vaccine or those closely associated with them.
VI. Laws allow drug companies to violate the public trust. In private law suits information has been reveled condemning vaccines as deadly. Vaccine manufacturers use "gag" orders to restrict plaintiff disclosing to the public these facts.
VII. The national childhood vaccine injury act of 1987 is a pacifier. In effect the act lets vaccine manufactures off the hook for any liability as long as they right the wrongs by acknowledging the existence of vaccine damage. The fund is in fact a tax added to the cost of each vaccine, thereby making consumers pay for their own potential injury!
VIII. Private insurance companies - who perform the liability studies have abandoned coverage for damage to life and property due to; Acts of God; Nuclear War & nuclear power plant accidents; AND - VACCINES!
IX. Vaccination is not emergency medicine.
X. There is no law enforcing vaccination for babies or anyone else. Vaccination is linked to school attendance but is NOT compulsory. Exemptions from vaccination are part of every states health law and should be expanded by public pressure.

Remember departments of heath education and the AMA profit form the sale of vaccines!

For much more information go to

1 comment:

  1. Although we do not have a natural alternative vaccination, we can offer you safe and natural immune boosting therapies such as IV treatments, immuno-therapy, or special immune boosting herbs and nutrients.

    Also, try these 10 Simple Steps To Help Combat Flu & Swine Flu

    10. Eat a well balanced diet including immune boosting foods such as ginger, garlic, onions and shitake mushrooms and avoid immune-suppressing foods such as sweets, soft drinks & even juices.

    9. Do deep breathing exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi.

    8. At the first sign of a cold increase your
    vitamin C intake.

    7. Rest! Sleep is a vital healing tool for your body. Without adequate rest your body cannot efficiently fight disease.

    6. Wash your hands thoroughly… and frequently and be careful when touching public places like door knobs, shopping carts, taxis, elevator buttons, remote controls, keyboards, telephones, etc. By doing so contamination and spread of infection can be limited.

    5. Cover your mouth and nose with your sleeve when coughing or sneezing to avoid germs spreading to your hands. Also avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes.

    4. If you feel ill, stay home! This will help you to avoid spreading disease and by resting you will give your body the time it needs to re-cooperate.

    3. Drink plenty of water! Water not only helps to flush toxins from your body, but a hydrated body is like a well-oiled machine – it just runs better!

    2. Balance your physically activity. Physical activity helps to boost your immune system, but if you are feeling unwell ensure you get the rest you need!

    1. Provide your body with the support it needs to fight off disease. Although we do not have a natural alternative vaccination to the H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine, we can offer you safe and natural immune boosting therapies such as IV treatments, immuno-therapy, or special immune boosting herbs and nutrients that may help to ward off infection.

    Dr. David Wang, ND

