Part I - Check your water report!
If you live in Michigan especially the area around the thumb you are being exposed to dangerous levels of arsenic in your drinking water. According to Environmental Health report this area of Michigan has evidence of higher death rates due to causes of death including several types of cancer, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory system, diabetes mellitus, and kidney and liver diseases. Each of these diseases has shown some evidence of association with arsenic exposure.
Specifically, cancer of the female reproductive organs was elevated. Deaths from all diseases of the circulatory system and cerebrovascular diseases were elevated in both males and females. In females only, deaths from atherosclerosis were elevated and deaths from aortic aneurysm were reduced. Deaths from respiratory diseases were elevated in the study area, with chronic airways obstruction-related deaths elevated in both males and females. Males also experienced elevated mortality rates for all diseases of the respiratory system. Deaths from diabetes mellitus and kidney diseases were also elevated among both males and females in the study area. Deaths from chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis were reduced for males and females.
There are other scary contaminates in our water too so it's a good idea to check your city's water evaluation report to know what is in the water in your area. Unfortunately, many contaminats such as prescription drugs cannot be filtered out right now.We need stricter laws to ensure proper disposal of these substances in order to prevent further contamination.
How this report was done: Estimates of arsenic concentrations in drinking water in the six-county study area were compiled from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) arsenic database which contains results from water samples collected and analyzed between 1983 and 2002. You can read the entire report here
What can you do about this? Get a water filtration system for all drinking and cooking water. Many are inexpensive. Check the label to see what contaminates the brand your considering filters out. You can also get a shower head water filter (highly advisable) to eliminate these toxins from entering through the skin.
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