Sunday, September 26, 2010

Are legislators poised to end natural supplement censorship?

You have no doubt read all the bad news about limiting your freedom to choose holistically oriented health care - now it seems we have three new bills being introduced for a vote in Washington that may actually make it easier for us to choose holistic care over allopathic care. Here are the three bills:

The Free Speech About Science Act of 2010 (H.R.4913)
What it does: permit the free exchange of legitimate scientific evidence showing that food, herbs and vitamins hold therapeutic, healing power.

The Freedom of Health Speech Act (H.R.3394)
What it does: stops the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) from being able to freely and arbitrarily prosecute food and supplement manufacturers for making legitimate health claims. It will force the FTC to prove a claim is false before they can prosecute.

The Health Freedom Act, (H.R.3395)
What it will do: puts the burden of proof on the FDA to convince a court that a claim is false before being able to pursue a company for making health claims.

Why is this so important?
An important reason for showing evidence of a specific nutraceutical product is that using published researched studies and peer reviewed articles is the way the scientific and allopathic medical community evaluates methods and protocols to treat various disease conditions. Right now just as published scientific research studies are done on pharmaceutical drugs so too are they being done on many supplements. This is especially true for those supplement companies who are more reputable and of higher grade.

Each time a micro nutrient or herb is tested in a trial or in vivo (in animals) or in human trials it scientifically verifies these products are effective (and often more effective than pharmaceuticals).

The allopathic medical and scientific communities are slow to change but this is how they will begin to acknowledge, accept and begin adopting more functional methods of treatment and prevention. And ultimately, this is how the current "sick care system” will evolve to be a true "well care system".

Once documentation is legally allowed and you can take this to your doctor when he/she questions why you are following a program based on whole foods, nutrition, supplementation etc, the Medical Schools will be forced to properly train/re-train their students and practitioners in the field of functional nutrition.

This is called a paradigm shift.

This website provides an easy way for you to contact your legislator in support of these important bills:

Further information can be found here:

Help end criminalization of vitamin, supplement makers in America

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