We have chance here in the great state of Michigan to get GMO's out in the open and clearly marked on food products. It is on the ballot.
What is a GMO?
A GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism. It is a plant or an animal in which the genetic material has been unnaturally altered, often by using the DNA molecules of other plants, animals, or bacteria, which are then combined to create a new set of genes.
In food crops, plants are engineered to carry a herbicide-tolerant gene, which was developed so farmers could spray their fields to eliminate weeds without damaging the crops. These plants can be sprayed with twice the amount of herbicides than other conventional crops, and they will not die.
One of the most common non-plant organisms inserted into plants is the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt., which is used as a pesticide. When bugs eat the plant containing Bt., their stomachs split open and they die.
Crop plants are also engineered to be cold or drought tolerant. An example of this is the transgenic tomato, which contains the DNA of the cold tolerant winter flounder fish.
Food animals are also being biologically engineered and then cloned to grow quickly and require less feed.
Dairy cows are injected with a bio-engineered synthetic hormone known as rBGH, which greatly increases the production of the cow's milk, allowing the farmer to obtain from each cow up to 55 gallons of milk every day instead of the average 5 to 15 gallons a day.
About 80% of the food supplied at a typical grocery store in the United States contains genetically modified ingredients. This usually is any non-organic product that contains the direct ingredient or derivative of soy, corn, canola, sugar beets, rice, dairy, aspartame, and non-organic meat. According to the USDA, the majority of commercially farmed animals are fed genetically modified feed.
GMO Testing
The FDA does not conduct a comprehensive scientific review of genetically modified products. Instead, the FDA considers the safety of the product based on the biotech company’s own evaluation of the product. The FDA only encourages developers to consult with the agency to ensure that any issues within the product are resolved prior to marketing.
Our Wonderful Michigan Agriculture
Michigan is the 2nd most agriculturally diverse state in the nation with
over 55,000 farms. Michigan is the national leader in the production of tart
cherries. We rank 3rd in the nation for our apple and asparagus and 2nd nationally
for beans, carrots, celery, and plums. Agriculture is Michigan's second largest industry, which generates $63.7 billion for the state and employs approximately one million residents.
It is easy to say that Michigan residents are very proud of their farmers markets, cider mills and U- Pick berry farms!
In 2001, GM corn and soy was introduced into Michigan agriculture. By 2004, 33% of our corn crops were GM and 75% of our soy was GM. In 2008, farmers began earnestly planting GM sugar beets.
Are we putting our small Michigan family farms at risk for contamination?
You can read more about what GMO's are and the initiative to get this labeling on the ballot in Michigan here:
For more on the FDA’s GMO regulation guidelines go to tis link:
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