Friday, August 26, 2011

Cancer is Curable Now!

Who among us has not been touched by the tragedy of cancer?

Cancer wards are teaming with cancer patients from every age, race, and walk of life. It has reached epidemic proportion. Conventional medical treatment presents three options, poison, burn or cut yet we know their are CURES that exist that are NOT being presented to us!

This new film is all about those cures and the money trail of the AMA and BIG PHARMA who does not really want to see you get cured unless they can make a buck off you. Ask anyone who's been through the "system' and they will tell you that is what it feels like to them.

Here's a quote from the film's producers:

"I don't know how long it's going to take but I think conventional medicine, as we know it, will be dead and gone within the next 20 years. M.D.'s will either be nonexistent or they'll have learned about supplements, good nutrition, hyperthermia, ozone therapy and all the rest of the treatments they now call quackery!"

Did you now that statistics show there's no proof that a mastectomy — removal of the whole breast — extends the life of breast cancer patients, yet doctors go right on doing it. The women are scarred for life. Does that kind of treatment deserve the term "Medieval"? I think so.

Another doctor, from Denmark, cites a German study of women over age 80 with breast cancer. Those who received no treatment lived eleven months longer on average than those who received conventional cancer treatments.

See the film - it might save your life or life of a loved one.

About the Movie | (Official Site) Wake Up Cancer is Curable Now

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