I used to think detoxing was some kind of ritual reserved for those extreme "health nuts". I simply could not understand why anyone would put them self through what sounded like sheer torture to me.
Now I detox two or three times a year. But hold on - I am not talking about the Master Cleanse or consuming only raw juice type of detoxification program. In fact I have personally seen how dangerous the Master Cleanse can be having helped people recover from the damage caused by this type of crazy detox!
First you need to understand a little about what the body is doing all the time to detox. The body is constantly, naturally removing toxins. This elimination process is done through the skin, lungs, kidneys, lymph and the liver - with the liver doing the lions share of the job. It's a two phase process where (and this is a huge simplification of a very complex process) fat soluble nutrients are converted to water soluble ones so they can be excreted from the body.
If it's happening all on it's own then why, you ask, do you need to do a detox at all? Good question and it's one I wondered too. Quite simply the answer is because our bodies are over burdened these days! With all the fast food, rancid fats, excessive sugar, preservatives and chemicals plus all the environmental pollutants our livers are not able to do both the job of detoxifying and food digestion. Once the liver becomes over loaded these toxins accumulate and re-circulate in many cases becoming more damaging then they were initially. Holistic practitioners believe that this sets the stage for chronic disease states. And in the case of someone who is chronically unwell or who suffers with RA, Lupus, Cancer, GOUT, IBS, migraine headaches, skin disruptions; like acne psoriasis; and even diabetes and CVD, until you clean up the liver your progress to health is impeded.
The best way to help your body do its job of detoxifying better is to reduce your toxic load. Look around your home, office and in your pantry, refrigerator and clear out the processed and toxic products. And don't forget that everything you put on your body goes into it. So pay attention to all the health & beauty products ingredients. If you have a Smart Phone you can down load an app called GoodGuide that will help you know how safe or unsafe a product is. Good Guide App
Want to know more about what you can do now to prepare before you begin a detox program?
Come to my free lecture January 18th, 2011 @ ABC Wellness in Sterling Heights, MI. Contact me here to RSVP:nourishnutrition@comcast.net
And if your interested in a safe, affordable detox program I am leading a Small Group Detox Program January 30, Feb. 6 and 13th. For details and how to register - Click on this link ReBoot 21 Day Group Detox Program info.
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