Detoxification or cleansing is very misunderstood. Cleansing allows the body to eliminate used wastes and toxins and helps improve our health as it removes harmful substances we in-hail, ingest and are exposed to every day.
Most people think of a cleansing program or detox as a way to purge their system of the poor food they have eaten and think of this a away to lose weight. While it certainly helps with weight loss, cleansing or detoxing is also a valuable and healthy process for those who have undergone heavy pharmaceutical intravenous drugs, or who have been hospitalized. It' also a must for anyone who has (or suspects they have) any food intolerance's and always essential if you've been diagnosed with yeast overgrowth (Candida)
What are the benefits?
All detoxing programs that are worth their salt so to speak must include a remove and replace component. This means taking out foods that are really garbage & non-foods as well as those foods that are know to be reactive (those foods like gluten, dairy, soy etc.. that commonly cause an allergic immune responds). These non- foods/toxic foods are replaced with whole foods (think lots of fresh green and brightly colored produce) healthy fats and proteins and of course plenty of filtered water. This helps your body process metabolites better because your reducing the load on your liver when your doing a detox. Cleansing or detoxing also helps re-balance the body due to consumption of more alkalizing foods. Any safe detox program needs to be done for several weeks and should include specific therapeutic and supportive supplements to ensure proper removal of toxins through the two stages of the process.
More about what actually happens when you detox -
While the body is always naturally detoxing these days our bodies are exposed to many more contaminates than ever before due to commercially farmed food, processed foods, pharmaceutical medications, stuff we put on our bodies and all the pollutants in our environment; both in the home and outdoors. Over time this overload slows down the body's ability to process and remove toxins and they build up - especially in fat stores.
The skin, lymph, lungs, kidneys and liver are all major pathways of the body for detoxifying, but the liver does the heavy lifting. When the liver is over worked and over burdened by medications, alcohol, caffeine; poor food choices and environmental toxins proper digesting of the food you eat is much more difficult. When you don't digest properly you don't get the nutrients from your food to nourish your body which not only leaves you feeling crummy but also puts you at greater risk from invading pathogens. Anyone who frequently get sick with colds, flu migraines, experiences nausea, constipation or diarrhea will most certainly benefit form cleansing. Likewise anyone who has difficulty with concentration, ADHD, arthritis, GUT issues or allergies should absolutely do a clinically supervised detox program.
Remember that the liver is not only the body's main detoxifying organ it also has a dual role in proper digestion of food. This is why so many people find it very difficult to lose unwanted weight - there livers are overloaded and fat loves to hold on to toxins!
When we detoxify our body’s liver must convert fat soluble nutrients to water soluble nutrients (Phase I and Phase II) before they can be eliminated. It's a complicated process to convert these fat soluble toxins to water soluble ones and involves a number of steps in the metabolic process. And frequently when people move too quickly, or have problems with some part of this conversion process they end up with toxic metabolites that are fare worse than those they were trying to eliminate in the first place. In effect they re-intoxify them self. This is why the Master Cleanse is NOT a safe way to go about cleansing and I do not recommend it to anyone.
Bottom line - if you've been thinking of changing your diet and want to learn how to eat more healthfully a detox can really help you get on the right path.
Shameless plug:
There is still 7 days left to register for my ReBoot 21 day Group Detox program. This is the most economical way to experience the benefits of a clinical detox program. If you were to work with me individually I'd need to charge you at least $600 for what I am offering for just $358. You'll get three one hour sessions with me; all the clinical strength support supplements you need to make your program safe and effective; a 7 day meal plan, recipes and tons of tips on how to supercharge your experience to get the maximum from the program. Plus you'll meet some other great people who want to get healthy too. Reboot Program Detials & Registration details
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